Clash of the Titans (2025) brings back Sam Worthington as Perseus, the demigod son of Zeus, while Liam Neeson reprises his role as the mighty ruler of the gods. This installment unfolds amidst escalating tensions between gods, humans, and mythical creatures, further exploring the rivalry between Zeus and Hades, potentially played again by Ralph Fiennes. The fate of the world hangs in the balance as the gods’ conflict threatens to spill into the realm of mortals.
The teaser suggests that Perseus is once again thrust into a perilous mission, with even greater stakes at hand. Following his triumphs against Medusa and the Kraken in previous adventures, Perseus now confronts new adversaries emerging from the underworld, including vengeful ancient foes. The narrative promises an epic journey where Perseus must battle formidable enemies while grappling with his divine heritage and destiny.