*Secret Invasion* (2023) is a Disney+ series centered around Nick Fury and the shape-shifting Skrulls, who have secretly infiltrated Earth over several years. As a covert war between the Skrulls and humans intensifies, Fury uncovers a conspiracy that puts the safety of the planet at risk. The series explores themes of trust, deception, and identity, as Fury works with allies like Maria Hill and Talos, the Skrull leader, to stop a faction of rogue Skrulls who are planning to overthrow humanity. With several high-ranking officials and heroes potentially compromised, Fury faces the challenge of discerning friend from foe in a world where no one can be trusted. As tensions rise, Fury’s leadership and past decisions come into question. *Secret Invasion* dives deep into espionage, political intrigue, and the consequences of living in a world where shape-shifting aliens can replace anyone, making it one of the most suspenseful and dramatic entries in the MCU.