Strike Back is a British-American action-packed television series that originally aired from 2010 to 2020. It revolves around elite military operatives working for a secret British intelligence organization called Section 20. The series is known for its high-octane action sequences, intense combat scenes, and complex characters, often dealing with global threats, covert missions, and political intrigue.
Strike Back follows the missions of Section 20 agents, typically consisting of two main characters: a former British Special Forces operative and a diverse, international team of experts. Each season brings a new high-stakes mission, where the operatives must thwart terrorist organizations, criminal syndicates, or global conspiracies, while navigating personal conflicts and moral dilemmas. Over time, the characters become more deeply connected as they deal with the consequences of their dangerous work.
Strike Back received praise for its thrilling action sequences, engaging storylines, and charismatic leads. It garnered a loyal fanbase over its ten-season run, often being compared to other military action series like 24 and 24: Live Another Day. The show’s mix of global intrigue and intense personal drama made it a popular choice for action TV lovers.